Over the Memorial Day weekend Dan and I and Dan’s mother and father and their respective significant others all converged on Dan’s older brother’s beach house. Now let me be clear that it is a very kind and generous thing that Dan’s brother John and his wife Nancy allow us to stay at their very lovely beach house.
For instance, Dan and I were the first ones to arrive this season and we spent a couple of hours cleaning the bathrooms, wiping mildew off of the walls, picking dead roaches up off the floor and chasing the live ones from their hidey holes. The lights didn’t work in much of the living room and kitchen area. Some questionable things were discovered in the fridge. And there was a pervasive clammy, mildewy feel to everything that took quite a while to dispel. I mean, here we were in a house Much nicer and more expensive than anything we will probably ever own and I had a strong desire not to touch anything because it was “icky.”
There’s also the fact that you are plopped right down in someone else’s home—cooking, cleaning, using things—and trying to make it looks as if you were never there! You want to follow the hosts’ rules
And then there’s the décor. Beach house décor is nothing like regular house décor. A certain amount of kitsch is expected even of the really expensive houses (and don’t kid yourself, they are All really expensive down here.)
John and Nancy’s home is quite tame in contrast,
And there’s also this little guy. I suppose he is meant to scare away evil spirits?
After all, it’s actually vital to the vacation experience that beach houses are a bit quirky. If they were just like home, what fun would that be?
Ya know, this story makes me wonder where on earth did I go wrong?!? While on one hand I'm pretty fortunate to own my own everyday-sites-never-change home. But on the other, I can't help but wonder what I should have done differently so that I too could have a beach house, or a summer or winter house. Hell, I'd even settle for an outhouse!!
I think my life lacks manatees.
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