Thursday, September 25, 2008

Moving Surprises

I loathe moving! But then so does almost everyone else, making what Dan and I are going through not particularly noteworthy.

I think, however, that reaching over my head last night while packing, grabbing a ceramic serving bowl stored on the kitchen cabinets and finding a Dead Bat inside might be a bit more unusual. And I believe I deserve a Congressional Medal of Honor for not dropping said bowl and smashing it in the process.

I didn't have the nerves required to get a picture though. You will simply have to imagine the poor little furry thing lying there.

The movers come early tomorrow morning!


Kaethe said...

Pity about no picture, because you know my youngest loves bats. Nonetheless, I commend you for not screaming and breaking things when finding a dead mammal in your kitchen. That shows real restraint and strength of character. Or exhaustion, which moving will do to you.

So, would a bat house be a bad house-warming present?

Leggy said...

Bats Belong in bathouses, not in decorative bowls! :)

I really have nothing against bats but we had never seen any signs of them at all so coming face to face with one in such an unexpected way was just a bit shocking. I did think of your budding naturalist after the adrenaline wore off...

Kaethe said...

Yeah, a bat in the kitchen is defintely shocking.

Anonymous said...

And, where are we moving? Back to Chicago !?!?!?! :o)