Sunday, May 20, 2007

And So It Begins...

Have I ever posted anything on a blog or chat room before? No. Do I read other people's blogs? No. Do I expect anyone in their right mind to read My blog? Not Really.

And yet, if perchance someone might be reading this, said reader will without fail notice that this is a blog and that I am writing it and therefore they might suggest that I protesteth too much about my blogglessness and wonder what gives?

Well... In my wild post-move re-creation of myself and flagrant indulgence of my artsy side I am turning over a new leaf on the whole writing thing. As a result I found myself sending out mass e-mail after mass e-mail update to my family and friends going on and on about things they do not much care to hear about. In sympathy to their inboxes but attempting to keep everyone "Up To Date" I have decided to create this memoir of sorts of my move and let them read it or not at their leisure.

And So It Begins...

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