In Chicago I never opened my eyes first thing in the morning to the sight of a huge granddaddy roach sitting calmly, high up on the wall right in front of me. I never had to pull multiple ticks off myself in one day either. Or, walking down the sidewalk in the evening, ever saw giant roaches scurry past on some important errand. (Rats, yes, but not roaches!)
Here it seems that either we have constant run ins with said leathery winged things Or a nice man with a big shiny canister comes around every month or so and walks through the kitchen and living room spraying poison… Neither is a perfect solution.
Fortunately Dan has taken very well to the role of knight in shining armor and I am not quite so squeamish about the roachies as I first was. Most creepy crawlies don’t bother me that much but there is something so stomach turning about a roach. It’s completely irrational, I confess, but to see one implies to my subconscious that there are Thousands more hiding in the dark all around me and there is nothing I can do to stop them.

I was, however, completely calm tonight as Dan tried to catch a high flying cricket to take it outside. Despite all his efforts we never caught the silly thing. It had legs like little jet packs and made the most astounding leaps. Very differently shaped from the crickets I am used to. It looked something like this one.
And then I found this fat slug in the bathtub as I got in for my shower.
You let him go? You took a shower with a slug in there? Ewwww.
I got over roaches pretty much in a succession of Atlanta apartments. But slugs don't make a satisfying and significant crunch when you accidently step on one. Slugs are stealthy and repugnant.
Yes, I Like slow bugs. It means I don't have to worry about them leaping on me or scurrying over my little tootsies when I turn my back on them. :)
Ahh, the lovely buggies from Elaine Place.
Has a roach crawled onto your kitchen table and kicked the bucket yet? Ah, memories!
Glad that everything is good out there otherwise, though. :)
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