Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Little Praise for my Sweetie

I innocently commented to Dan this morning about how touchingly a friend referred to her hubby in her blog and for this I received a most pointed look…

It’s true that I have sorely neglected the subject of “Dan’s Awesomeness.” But it’s not because I was trying to avoid it! It’s just that I don’t know where to start. What anecdote about our life together would best capture how wonderfully funny, supportive and understanding he is?

Is it that he cooks me the most marvelous meals and always makes sure there are leftovers in the fridge for me if he is going to be gone?

Or the fact that he is taking my counting of points seriously and hasn’t made so much as a hint of a joke about the embarrassingly large selection of low fat/low carb/no sugar added ice cream bars in the freezer (I highly recommend Breyer’s over Eddy’s by the way.)

Or the cute way he teases me over silly things to make me laugh but never over serious things that might be hurtful.

How about how he brought me to tears laughing at the desperate little character voice he made up to try to convince me to buy the futon cover he really liked.

His world champion snuggling technique?

Then there’s his willingness to rescue me from the roaches on a regular basis and even taking two slugs out of the shower the other day without me so much as asking!

How he didn’t ridicule me when I asked if we could name the Camry and even came up the name Glorfindel all by himself.

Or how he calmly scooped me up out of my despair when a complete reorganization of my desk and search of the house did not unearth my brand new social security card (required for getting my driver’s license) and took me to the social security administration office where he waited with me to apply for a new, brand new social security card.

And just tonight he watched an episode of Veggie Tales with me just because he knows I like it…

I don’t know where to start. Or maybe I really don’t know where to end... Because there is no end to the constantly thoughtful, charming and hilarious things that Dan does every day to remind me just how lucky I am.

I love you Baby.


Kaethe said...

Now that's nice. I got all choked up about the slugs.

Anonymous said...

Any guy that does character voices is definitely a keeper.

Anonymous said...

his really hot younger brother said...

Yeah, and he's got a really hot younger brother...! : )